• News

March 8, 2017

Lithuanian and Polish ANSPs join DFS System Group in European iTEC Alliance

Lithuanian and Polish ANSPs join DFS System Group in European iTEC Alliance

The Lithuanian air navigation service provider (ANSP) Oro Navigacija and the Polish ANSP PANSA officially joined the European iTEC alliance during the World ATM Congress in Madrid, after having expressed their intention to do so during last year’s World ATM Congress.

The common use of the iTEC flight data processing system and controller working position is a major step towards aligning air traffic management for delivering improved operational performance and increased cost-efficiency in a single European airspace.

The founding members of iTEC – The ANSPs DFS (Germany), ENAIRE (Spain) and NATS (UK) – and their partners account for 31 percent of European air traffic.

Oro Navigacija and PANSA signed a system group agreement with the German ANSP DFS, together with the Dutch partner LVNL and system provider Indra. The Norwegian ANSP Avinor had joined the iTEC alliance in 2016 through a system group agreement with NATS.

Prof. Klaus-Dieter Scheurle, CEO of DFS, said on behalf of the DFS System Group: “The iTEC collaboration provides a platform for synergies and thus cost reductions, helping to realise a common and interoperable European air traffic management with greater efficiencies and service standards for Europe’s airspace users. The partnership with Lithuania and Poland will extend these benefits to even more airspace users.”

Mr. Mindaugas Gustys, Acting Director General of Oro Navigacija, said: “Being a proactive implementer of the Single European Sky concept, iTEC is also a great example of efficient inter-FAB collaboration as well as of successful partnership of Europe’s West and East, big and small, public and private, technology and service. The innovative approach and expertise of iTEC members are brought together to provide airspace users with the quality environment for more efficient performance.”

PANSA President, Janusz Niedziela, said: “We are pleased to join the iTEC Alliance, since we believe that this enhanced ATM collaboration, which matches advanced technology and ANSPs’ best practices, is a major step to realising the vision of a Single European Sky. Cooperation among ANSPs handling traffic in the most congested and complex European airspace, as well as Eastern out-of-area traffic, will improve ATM operational performance in Europe. The implementation of iTEC technology is a prerequisite of further successful Baltic FAB development. ”

iTEC provides the most advanced flight data processing and controller working position. The technology enables 4D trajectory-based operations, featuring conflict detection, flight path monitoring and interoperability between control centres in Europe, fully aligned with SESAR principles. iTEC will help to strengthen safety even more, increase efficiency and improve environmental impact of flights.

New members of the alliance will benefit from reduced operational expenditures by sharing development costs and risks, enabling accelerated deployment of enhanced systems and future operational concepts.